Thursday, December 6, 2012

Looking back...

Dear Friends,

On the  6th of December 2011, I was sitting in a very quiet area in the garden near our house and my mind was deep in thought. I was thinking of the year ahead and how the organization was going to be implementing its strategy. Sitting in that corner, I had lots of memories going through my mind. The travel to different destinations around the world, being trained, conducting trainings, speaking on behalf of children in the areas we served and going out to establish friendships and partnerships all played out in front of me.

As 2011 drew to a close, one thing was very clear to me. I had to stand up, double my efforts in working with children, whether orphaned or not and working with communities to reposition them as the first line of defence on matters that concern children. That was clear in my mind that this mandate I felt was God given had not yet been removed from my heart and I had to work harder. The odds for this were against me in all spheres as I looked around, trying to extricate myself from historical issues that had put a setback on my life and the future of children that we had worked with for years. How do you get up, how do you move forward, where do you find resources and how do you ensure that you have run the race and completed it?

At that time I probably was facing the turning point of my life and it was not clear how all this would play out but surely in this season God has been at work and has revealed in hind site now how those questions had already been answered. One of the things that have kept me going has been my faith. Believing in the power and word of God has kept me focussed, grounded and above all having belief that the impossible can happen. The grace of God has been visible in all facets of my life. My family has grown stronger in the Lord, my wife has been a true pillar of support whilst our daughter has provided the humour when I have gotten home thinking that there is nothing to be cheerful about.

Exactly a year later on 6 December 2012, this year has been nothing short of miraculous. We have been introduced to new partnerships and friendships that have been so remarkable in my life. From people that have been sending me very encouraging emails, supporting us financially and linking us with other new friends and partners. Some people though I desire to mention them by name but cannot do so, have been so gracious to see us through some teething problems and challenges. Though at times it has been difficult to approach them at first but after doing so and providing the requisite information, they have come through for us in ways that makes my heart melt. Melting with a joy that cannot be expressed.

Nhaka Foundation is where it is today because of the strong belief we have in that the little orphaned, abandoned and vulnerable children of Zimbabwe can be the future doctors, lawyers, presidents, pilots, teachers and professionals that they desire to be.  Because someone believed in the potential that lay within me so many years ago, I want us all to believe in these little kids. Lets strive to raise them up in a caring and nurturing environment.

I am grateful to all our friends that have worked with us this year and that have become an integral part of the family called Nhaka Foundation. Let us join hands again in 2013, raise the level of support a notch higher and take time to do those things in life that really do matter and that save lives. Lets leave a lasting legacy!

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.-Albert Schweitzer

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