I pray this finds you well. The past month and a half has really been hectic for the team and myself. On a daily basis we have been up and about involved in life changing work and sometimes being game changers in key policy meetings with different stakeholders. All this has come through our policy of influencing the conversations that happen in communities and at a national level. These conversations we believe, should have children at the centre and should be concerned about ensuring that the child who is not accessing early learning facilities is able to get such services.
As you may all now by now, yesterday, 25 September 2012 we were part of the huge crowd of up to 400 adults plus 1200 children who came to witness the official opening of a two classroom block preschool. This indeed was a momentous occasion not only for us as an organization but for the community as well. What struck me the most was the fact that speaker after speaker spoke about community involvement in all issues to do with children and how it is important to provide early access to education for the children whether orphaned or not, vulnerable or not.
Team Nhaka has been at the forefront of making sure that the communities are directed towards using their energy for the development of their schools and public facilities. This morning I was reflecting on the work we have carried out this year as an organization and looking at the impact made, number of children reached, the perceptions on early education that we have changed and the influence we have put in high level meetings on early childhood development. All the work has been amazing and I wondered how such a small, youthful and under resourced team would do all this. As I reflected on all these things my spirit was led to the Book of Nehemiah chapter 4, where Nehemiah writes about the dangerous work he is doing in Neh ch4:11, how extensive it is in Neh4:19 but however he expressed satisfaction because the work he was doing was GREAT! Neh 6:3.
Friends, I think the work we are doing is great! The level of community involvement, the number of children who have been reached and supported make us very happy and willing to continue this work. Your involvement, support and prayers have pushed us forward with zeal and determination. God bless you!
Finally friends, in all our endeavours, in all our work and indeed in our lives, let us continue to reaching out to those less fortunate than us. This we should not do because we feel it is right but we should do it because it is demanded of us in James 1 vs 27: "Pure and undefiled religion in the sight
of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their
distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”
Until next time,
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
-Edmund Burke
-Edmund Burke
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